I'm running OpenBSD -current with matching ports (kernel and userland
built a couple of days ago and ports tree updated today). When I try to
build the devel/jdk/1.7 port, I get the following:

    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/ports/devel/jdk/1.7$ sudo make
    ===>  jdk-1.7.0.b19 depends on: jdk-1.5.0* - not found
    ===>  Verifying install for jdk-1.5.0* in devel/jdk/1.5
    ===>  Checking files for jdk-
    `/usr/ports/distfiles/jdk-1_5_0_13-fcs-src-b05-jrl-25_sep_2007.jar' is up 
to date.
    `/usr/ports/distfiles/jdk-1_5_0_13-fcs-bin-b05-jrl-25_sep_2007.jar' is up 
to date.
    `/usr/ports/distfiles/bsd-jdk15-patches-7.tar.bz2' is up to date.
    `/usr/ports/distfiles/jdk-1_5_0_13-solaris-i586.tar.Z' is up to date.
    `/usr/ports/distfiles/xalan-j_2_7_0-bin.tar.gz' is up to date.
    >> (SHA256) jdk-1_5_0_13-fcs-src-b05-jrl-25_sep_2007.jar: OK
    >> (SHA256) jdk-1_5_0_13-fcs-bin-b05-jrl-25_sep_2007.jar: OK
    >> (SHA256) bsd-jdk15-patches-7.tar.bz2: OK
    >> (SHA256) jdk-1_5_0_13-solaris-i586.tar.Z: OK
    >> (SHA256) xalan-j_2_7_0-bin.tar.gz: OK
    ===>  Extracting for jdk-
    Version 1.6
    "Licensee" means You and any other party that has entered into and has
    in effect a version of this License.

Here I type 'q' or some spaces to quit the license. The following lines
is then spewed continuously on my terminal:

    Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] 
    Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] 
    Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] 
    Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] 
    Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] 

It doesn't react to 'yes<return>' or 'no<return>', only CTRL+C stops it.

Am I the only one experiencing this? Can I do anything about it?

Thanks in advance.


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