Hi. And what was wrong without this patch?
Well, all you can see in current patches/patch-src_drivers_usb_bsd_bsd-usb_c
was wriiten by Adam Kropelin, the developer of apcupsd. At least I have no
problems with my RS 500 (while it was alive).

On Thu, February 14, 2008 07:52, bruce wrote:
> I also recently ported apcupsd to openbsd.  I sent a patch
> upstream but got no reply.   (I'm new enough to openbsd that
> I didn't even consider volunteering to maintain a port.  I'm
> glad you are!)
> Here is what I patched to get it working (this is for 4.2-CURRENT,
> supporting a Back-UPS RS 1500).
> --- patch begins ---
> diff -ru apcupsd-3.14.3_openbsd_fix/src/drivers/usb/bsd/bsd-usb.c
> apcupsd-3.14.3/src/drivers/usb/bsd/bsd-usb.c
> --- apcupsd-3.14.3_openbsd_fix/src/drivers/usb/bsd/bsd-usb.c  Sat Feb  9
> 08:49:05 2008
> +++ apcupsd-3.14.3/src/drivers/usb/bsd/bsd-usb.c      Sat Oct 27 10:15:14 2007
> @@ -351,11 +351,10 @@
>  int pusb_ups_get_capabilities(UPSINFO *ups, const struct s_known_info
> *known_info)
>  {
> -   int i, rc, ci, phys, input, feature;
> +   int i, rc, ci, phys;
>     USB_DATA *my_data = (USB_DATA *)ups->driver_internal_data;
>     hid_item_t item;
>     USB_INFO *info;
> -   hid_item_t witem;
>     write_lock(ups);
> @@ -776,7 +775,7 @@
>     return true;
>  }
> -int pusb_write_int_to_ups(UPSINFO *ups, int ci, int value, const char *name)
> +int pusb_write_int_to_ups(UPSINFO *ups, int ci, int value, char *name)
>  {
>     USB_DATA *my_data = (USB_DATA *)ups->driver_internal_data;
>     USB_INFO *info;
> --- patch ends ---
>  After that change, everything works fine for me as well:
>     % /etc/rc.apcupsd status
>     APC      : 001,039,1025
>     DATE     : Wed Feb 13 20:50:12 PST 2008
>     HOSTNAME : ogoun.ironfist.org
>     RELEASE  : 3.14.3
>     VERSION  : 3.14.3 (20 January 2008) openbsd
>     UPSNAME  : ogoun.ironfist.org
>     CABLE    : Custom Cable Smart
>     MODEL    : Back-UPS RS 1500
>     UPSMODE  : Stand Alone
>     STARTTIME: Sat Feb 09 08:55:40 PST 2008
>     LINEV    : 117.0 Volts
>     LOADPCT  :  22.0 Percent Load Capacity
>     BCHARGE  : 100.0 Percent
>     TIMELEFT :  41.9 Minutes
>     MBATTCHG : 5 Percent
>     MINTIMEL : 3 Minutes
>     MAXTIME  : 0 Seconds
>     SENSE    : High
>     LOTRANS  : 097.0 Volts
>     HITRANS  : 132.0 Volts
>     ALARMDEL : Always
>     BATTV    : 26.8 Volts
>     LASTXFER : Low line voltage
>     NUMXFERS : 2
>     XONBATT  : Wed Feb 13 06:22:48 PST 2008
>     TONBATT  : 0 seconds
>     CUMONBATT: 5 seconds
>     XOFFBATT : Wed Feb 13 06:22:50 PST 2008
>     STATFLAG : 0x07000008 Status Flag
>     MANDATE  : 2005-08-22
>     SERIALNO : JB0535003610
>     BATTDATE : 2001-09-25
>     NOMINV   : 120 Volts
>     NOMBATTV :  24.0 Volts
>     NOMPOWER : 865 Watts
>     FIRMWARE : 8.g9 .D USB FW:g9
>     APCMODEL : Back-UPS RS 1500
>     END APC  : Wed Feb 13 20:50:22 PST 2008
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 11:28:29AM +0300, Kirill S. Bychkov wrote:
>> I have made an effort to make a port of apcupsd. It is daemon for
>> controlling
>> APC UPSes. It also have CGI scripts for monitoring and graphical monitor for
>> multiple UPSes.
>> Apcupsd can be used for power mangement and controlling most of APC's
>> UPS models. Apcupsd works with most of APC's Smart-UPS models as well as
>> most simple signalling models such a Back-UPS, and BackUPS-Office.
>> During a power failure, apcupsd will inform the users about the power
>> failure and that a shutdown may occur. If power is not restored, a
>> system shutdown will follow when the battery is exhausted, a timeout
>> (seconds) expires, or runtime expires based on internal APC calculations
>> determined by power consumption rates.
>> Needs testing, cause I have no hardware to test on. Any comments?

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