Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2008/03/10 00:15, Stefan Sperling wrote:
Uhmmm, well, no...


The packet dumping code for OpenBSD is fairly new, maybe it has
a bug in it? Have you tried dumping with Kismet instead?

Ah, that's a good idea, I'll remember that next time I test it.
(i.e. No I haven't :-)

Also, keep in mind that this is a beta release, so technically it
should not even have been submitted for the main ports tree...

Obviously "newest beta just for the sake of having the newest code"
isn't the way to go, but personally: if using a beta release is the best
way to get something working well, or it gives real advantages without
breaking things, I don't see that as being a problem. Especially for
a new port where you don't have existing users to keep happy.

Been playing with aircrack-ng-1.0-beta2 for a while on FreeBSD7. Everything I tried worked so far. Just tried active arp injection attack on my own AP with 128bit WEP. it worked fine. Afterwards I scp'ed the capture dump over to OpenBSD 4.2 -stable box, where I've been able to recover the key with manually compiled aircarck-ng beta2. Unfortunately, I don't have a wifi card in that box capture traffic there. In any case, couple pointers: 1) When capturing traffic with airodump-ng, use --ivs switch, that's a requirement for PTW attack. 2) to enable PTW attack with aircrack-ng, use "-P 2" switch (this attack is almost instant, google "aircrack ptw" for details)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/aircrack-ng-1.0-beta2] ./src/aircrack-ng -n 128 -P 2 /home/x/home.cap-01.ivs
Opening /home/x/home.cap-01.ivs
Read 43843 packets.

  #  BSSID              ESSID                     Encryption

  1  00:14:95:18:20:99  2WIRE695                  Unknown
  2  00:13:10:58:47:6E  Home Wireless             Unknown
  3  00:14:BF:71:22:07  xxxxxxx         WEP (43823 IVs)
  4  00:14:95:7B:1C:69  2WIRE966                  Unknown
  5  00:1B:5B:60:63:11  2WIRE931                  Unknown
  6  00:0D:72:D1:0A:51  ganz                      Unknown
  7  00:0C:41:D1:C6:4F                            WEP (12 IVs)
  8  00:14:6C:01:06:F8  Peter                     Unknown

Index number of target network ? 3

Opening /home/x/home.cap-01.ivs
Attack will be restarted every 5000 captured ivs.
Starting PTW attack with 43823 ivs.
            KEY FOUND! [ 28:71:84:21:C5:79:0C:C3:91:E4:8D:41:95 ]
       Decrypted correctly: 100%

I'll see if i can find a wifi card for openbsd box to test it all there appropriately

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