* Andreas Bihlmaier [2008-03-18]:
>   Product Version         = ThinkingRock 2.0 Epsilon
>   Operating System        = OpenBSD version 4.2 running on i386

Ups, this confused me.

>   Java; VM; Vendor; Home  = 1.5.0_13-p7; Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 
> 1.5.0_13-p7-root_28_jan_2008_09_28; Sun Microsystems Inc.; 
> /usr/local/jdk-1.5.0/jre

I have only tried using thinkingrock with and never had a
problem. Maybe updating the jdk helps?

>       tr.extract.clean [1.0 070616]
> [WinSys.PersistenceManager.getTopComponentForID] Problem when deserializing 
> TopComponent for tcID:'OverviewTopComponent'. Reason: Top component 
> OverviewTopComponent could not be located or loaded from Components folder.
> Cannot find Overview component. It will not be located properly in the window 
> system.
This is a warning only and shouldn't be a problem. I get it as well on a
clean system but after that, thinkingrock starts fine.


"It's all part of my Can't-Do approach to life." Wally

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