Small change of installed dir tklib0.4 -> tklib


From: "Stuart Cassoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NEW: devel/tklib
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 09:31:21 +0000

Tk Standard Library

A collection of pure-Tcl utility modules and widgets for Tk that provide
a wide variety of functionality. The intent is to collect commonly used
functions into a single library, which users can rely on to be available
and stable.

Included are the following modules, and much more:

autoscroll      automatic mapping of scrollbars
ctext           text widget with highlighting support
cursor          cursor routines
datefield       datefield widget
getstring       string input dialog
history         history for entry widgets
ico             Windows ICO handling
ipentry         IP address entry widget
plotchart       simple plotting and charting package
style           styles for Tk
swaplist        move options between two lists
tablelist       multi-column listbox
tkpiechart      2D or 3D pie chart object in a canvas
tooltip         tooltip management
widget          megawidget package


<< tklib-0.4.1-port.tar.gz >>

Attachment: tklib-0.4.1-port.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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