On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 12:01:10PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
>>> Do you have an account?
>> @openbsd.org?  No, I don't.
>>> Has anyone agreed to officially bring back the stable tree?
>> One developer was interested in pursuing it, but he is very busy with
>> other things.
> My own 2 sen: As much as your work is great, IMHHO the 'glue' is  
> missing. We sysadmins (at least me) have no time at all to visit a  
> website (yours) regularly and manually compare the list of patches with  
> our various installations.
> Plus, download the respective patches into the proper directories,  
> 'patch' them, cd, make update or whatever.
> Previously using the cvs to auto-patch followed by a list of outdated  
> parts on each box to 'cd and 'make update' was without all the manual,  
> administrative overhead. If you could get some account @openbsd or just  
> another location (@rutgers, e.g.), I'd immediately start using your  
> work. But, as mentioned above, I only have the time to apply the patches  
> indicated by some 'out-of-date' program.
> Uwe

geez.  more "whining" when people try to do something.

I realize you're just giving your opinion, and it's valid from many
perspectives, but give these guys a break.

it's been what, a few days?  these people are outside the project
and are trying to do something the project doesn't have time for;
cut some slack.  pretty sure you didn't commission them and they're
not doing this just for you.

really, unless you're actually doing something to help, your opinions
and suggestions are not only worthless, they can be frustrating and
thus harmful as well.  that goes for most things in life.

not to mention, -stable patches should be thoroughly tested before
being committed.  that's the point of -stable, right?  that things
work witout issues, right?  so how are the patches going to be tested
before being committed if you can't be bothered to use a patch?

maybe if these guys show they can manage a -stable tree they'll be
given accounts to manage official -stable ports.  so why are you
"complaining" when it's just getting started?

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