I posted an update on May 31 to this list.

Kind Regards


On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 6:24 AM, Predrag Punosevac <

> I promise this is my last email today.
> I looked the texmaker port as well.
> I do not use  it nor I plan to use it. However I would like to bring to
> your attention that the OpenBSD port is badly outdated. If for no other
> reasons texmaker should be updated because spell checker is now added to
> texmaker editor. That is mayor thing. I have tried to build the port
> manually but it is little bit more tricky then auctex.
> It requires qt4 for build so  KDE  people   would  probably not have hard
> time to update the port.
> Cheers,
> Predrag


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