On Wed, 2 Jul 2008, Bernd Ahlers wrote:

Hey Antti,

Antti Harri [Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 11:23:52PM +0300] wrote:
Well obviously because my portsdir isn't there. Every
other ports tool supports PORTSDIR variable in mk.conf,
why not out-of-date then?

that's not true. Just grep for /usr/ports in $PORTSDIR/infrastructure,
there're lots of tools which depend on the ports tree being in
/usr/ports or the PORTSDIR environment variable being set.
(like check-lib-depends)

Ah okay. I kind of meant ports itself but I said it wrong.

So you can either set the PORTSDIR in env, use a symlink or put your
ports tree in /usr/ports.

I think conventions like this one are better than such hacks.
YMMV. :)

It's not perfect solution I know, but it works well. Besides out-of-date
uses make anyway so it won't be "extra dependency".

It's a bit silly having to configure same thing several
times (mk.conf & .profile in this case). Also
the default setting /usr/ports would come from the makefiles
rather setting it specifically in every script/tool.

Thanks for your comments though.

Antti Harri

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