On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 05:41:09PM +0100, Edd Barrett wrote:
> Hi,
> Do multipackages always conflict? I have a port which i need to make 4
> multipackages out of, but if i do this they seem to conflict.

They only conflict on the default PKGNAME (I think).  You just have to
change the PKGNAME-subpackage to something that doesn't.

By default I believe that FULLPKGNAME-subpackage is PKGNAME-subpackage. 

For example

$ make show=FULLPKGNAME      
$ make show=FULLPKGNAME-perl

and those will conflict

but, set 
PKGNAME-perl=           p5-foo-${V}

and then you get
$ make show=FULLPKGNAME-perl

and that shouldn't conflict.

> Yes, I can use subpackages instead, but extracting this particular
> distfile takes a long long time.

Do you mean flavors instead?  AFAIK multipackages contain subpackages.

andrew - ICQ# 253198 - Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BOFH excuse of the day: Someone was smoking in the computer room and
    set off the halon systems.

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