On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 10:21:47AM -0700, Ryan Freeman wrote:
> hello ports@,
> here is another doom engine ;) this one is again complete different goals
> this time from prboom and from chocolate-doom; it concentrates on nice
> eye-candy (thus requiring opengl). It is heavily modified from the original
> Doom source while you can play the game just fine and it 'feels' like doom,
> this one will look much different. You can also play Heretic or Hexen with it,
> a nice bonus, as we don't yet have any ports that will play the latter two 
> games at all (i am tracking more 'vanilla' versions of those as well, not
> to worry for those of you without high-end graphics). 

attached is an updated tarball for this port also including a pkg/MESSAGE
file similar to the one for my port of Chocolate Doom; it outlines how to
run the game and that if you install the audio/timidity port the Doomsday
Engine will automatically make use of it giving you game music. tested and
still builds fine on two different i386 installations, other feedback still
appreciated. regards,


Attachment: deng.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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