On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 10:00:40AM -0600, Jack Woehr wrote:
> I am like THIS CLOSE to being able to use OpenBSD exclusively as my  
> professional dev environment.
> I so would love to climb down off the Open Solaris carousel, but I'm  
> trapped there by Java development.
> The stumbling block ... one tiny detail .. I'm running NetBeans 6.1 (yes  
> it has to be 6.1!) on OBSD 4.3.
> The output messages, compiler errors and the like  come out in little  
> "wrong font" rectangles instead of printable
> characters.
> Everything else in NB seems to work okay ... any generalized pointers  
> where I'd start trying to figure this out ..?

Try installing the dejavu fonts.

> -- 
> Jack J. Woehr            # "Self-delusion is
> http://www.well.com/~jax #  half the battle!"
> http://www.softwoehr.com #  - Zippy the Pinhead

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