On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 06:47:05PM +0200, frantisek holop wrote:
| hi there,
| i was wondering where 'mystuff' comes from...  i know
| it has a lot of history and some people feel very
| fondly about it, but i can't help that it kind of
| reminds me the failed naming scheme from redmond
| (my computer, etc)...
| i think /usr/ports/local/ is more "openbsd-y" and
| kind of more "professional" (or perhaps not).
| i am not asking for changing or removing 'mystuff',
| rather to consider the addition of 'local' as a legal
| 'mystuff' directory....  please share your comments.

Uhh .. why ? I put my stuff in mystuff .. it's what I'm used to now
and I dont feel redmondy doing so. It is, as they say, my stuff ;)

Your suggestion would sooner strike me as a new category for
localization stuff perhaps than a special (incl special handling)
subtree for 'my stuff'. I dont have any special feelings for the name,
but it's fine for me as is, no need to change it.

What benefit would a 'local' (or other new directory name) bring ?
More professionalism ? How so ? Please elaborate.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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