good morning!

an update, some progress, and a request for help:
 - I've attached my port-in-progress, along with some text files that
I've referenced/used in figuring this out (found under the "ref"
directory), and the Makefile is at the end of this email.
 - all of the resources I've been pointed towards or found myself
(openbsd papers, the ports developer documentation, etc) have been
tremendously helpful, answering all of my questions thus far, the only
difficulty being dependency resolution.
 - to resolve glade's dependencies, I have used several references,
and here is what I have so far:
     - glade's own documentation mentions libxml2 and libglade as
runtime dependencies
     - netbsd's glade3 port has a few "buildlinks" mainly: gtk2,
libxml2, hicolor-icon-theme, desktop-file-utils, libbonobui, and
     - the port-in-progress Jasper provided, also notes
textproc/scrollkeeper as a build/run-time dependency

 - I don't really have a specific problem right now, but I know that
my Makefile isn't quite working correctly, which I believe stems from
having the correct dependencies (but I'm not sure).

Current state:
 - I captured the contents of "libs.txt" during a run of make build.
This helps to show what the configure script found, stuck in glade's
Makefile, and is now set to be built during make build, but I also
expect that this helps determine the WANTLIB list.. is this a valid
 - I believe "make configure" works fine (output is included:
 - "make build" *seems* to work, but I'm skeptical because of the
issues that arise later, and because I still have the MODULES lines
commented out (the make build output is included as well:
"make_build.log"). I also don't really trust all of the DEPENDS lines
being complete.
 - I have commented out the MODULES line because when it is present, I
get a lot of the following when running make build (as well as some
stuff about line 54):

"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 41: Missing
dependency operator
"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 42: Could not
find /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/\
"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 41: warning:
Missing closing parenthesis for exists()
"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 41: Malformed
conditional (exists(${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/mk/\
"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 41: Missing
dependency operator
"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 42: Could not
find /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/\
"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 41: warning:
Missing closing parenthesis for exists()
"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 41: Malformed
conditional (exists(${PORTSDIR}/infrastructure/mk/\
"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 41: Missing
dependency operator
"/usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/", line 42: Could not
find /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/\

- I am currently a little confused by the output of the depends check
with "make port-lib-depends-check." The output can be seen in
ref/make_port-lib-depends-check.log. What I've determined is this:
     - It appears WANTLIBS has entries glade3 doens't need, I'm
guessing this from the "Bogus WANTLIB" lines in the output. I simply
copy/pasted the WANTLIB line from the port-in-progress Jasper
provided, as I'm not sure how to determine these with accuracy.
     - there are a few other libraries needed, as shown by: "WANTLIB
+= Xcomposite Xdamage iconv intl pcre pixman-1"

am I understanding this output correctly?

- make package doesn't work, showing that I've screwed up further back
along the line:

# make package
===>  Looking for glade3-3.4.5.tgz in $PKG_PATH - not found
*** Error code 1

Stop in /mnt/neptune/Development/OpenBSD/ports/devel/glade3-me (line
1416 of /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/
`/usr/obj/ports//glade3-3.4.5/fake-i386/.fake_done' is up to date.
===>  Building package for glade3-3.4.5
Create /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/glade3-3.4.5.tgz
can't open /mnt/neptune/Development/OpenBSD/ports/devel/glade3-me/pkg/DESCR
at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/ line 85.
===>  Cleaning for glade3-3.4.5
rm -f /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/glade3-3.4.5.tgz
*** Error code 1

Stop in /mnt/neptune/Development/OpenBSD/ports/devel/glade3-me (line
1424 of /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/
*** Error code 1

Stop in /mnt/neptune/Development/OpenBSD/ports/devel/glade3-me (line
1424 of /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/
*** Error code 1

Stop in /mnt/neptune/Development/OpenBSD/ports/devel/glade3-me (line
1964 of /usr/ports/infrastructure/mk/
# cat DESCR
Glade is a free user interface builder for GTK+ released under the GNU
General Public License (GPL).  (GTK+, which stands for the Gimp ToolKit,
is a library for creating graphical user interfaces for the X Window
System.  See

This package provides Glade built with GTK2 support only.  If you want
GNOME2 support, install the glade-gnome package instead.

 ** any and all suggestions/help are welcome.. thanks!!! **


-------- Makefile: -------

COMMENT=                User interface builder for the GTK2+ toolkit

GNOME_VERSION =         3.4.5
DISTNAME =              glade3-3.4.5
PKGNAME =               glade3-${GNOME_VERSION}
CATEGORIES =            devel

# for libtool-based ports, have a look at WRKBUILD/shared_libs.log
SHARED_LIBS =           gladeui-1 7.4


# GPLv2, with exception of png images under:
# plugins/{gtk+,gnome}/icons  (which are LGPL)

DISTFILES =             glade3-3.4.5.tar.gz

# Dependencies
WANTLIB=        ICE ORBit-2 ORBitCosNaming-2 SM X11 Xau Xcursor Xdmcp \
                Xext Xfixes Xi Xinerama Xrandr Xrender art_lgpl_2 atk-1.0 \
                audiofile bonobo-2 bonobo-activation bonoboui-2 c cairo \
                crypto dbus-1 dbus-glib-1 esd expat fontconfig freetype \
                gconf-2 gdk-x11-2.0 gdk_pixbuf-2.0 glade-2.0 glib-2.0 \
                glitz gmodule-2.0 gnome-2 gnome-keyring gnomecanvas-2 \
                gnomeprint-2-2 gnomevfs-2 gobject-2.0 gthread-2.0 gtk-x11-2.0 \
                jpeg m pango-1.0 pangocairo-1.0 pangoft2-1.0 png popt \
                pthread ssl stdc++ util xml2 z

#MODULES=        devel/gettext   \
#                x11/gnome

LIB_DEPENDS=            gdk-x11-2.0,gdk_pixbuf-2.0,gtk-x11-2.0::x11/gtk+2
BUILD_DEPENDS=          :scrollkeeper->=0.3.12:textproc/scrollkeeper
RUN_DEPENDS=            :scrollkeeper->=0.3.12:textproc/scrollkeeper

#RUN_DEPENDS =          devel/libglade2 \
#                       textproc/libxml,-main

# build/configuration variables
USE_X11 =               Yes
USE_GMAKE =             Yes
USE_LIBTOOL =           Yes

CONFIGURE_ENV=          CPPFLAGS="-pthread -I${LOCALBASE}/include"      \
                        LDFLAGS="-pthread -L${LOCALBASE}/lib"

# for gnu stuff
AUTOCONF_VERSION =      2.62     # these found in glade's
AUTOMAKE_VERSION =      1.9       # configure script

.include <>

Attachment: glade3.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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