This is a first draft of a new port of mpg123 1.6.0, created from
scratch as a replacement for our cadaverous audio/mpg123 port.

I have added a simple sndio backend.  The output module API isn't
documented, so this involves a bit of guesswork.  There is a function
to query the capabilities of the audio system, which could be
interfaced with sio_getcap() to enable resampling in mpg123.
I haven't bothered with this for a simple audio player--does anybody
think it would be worth it?

Additional backends for esound, jack, etc. could be enabled and
multi-packaged, but I wanted to start out simple.

The ARM people might want to give --with-cpu=generic_nofpu a try.
It works on i386.  libm is still linked in, but not used for decoding.
Ripping libm out completely on ARM is not worth the effort, I think.

I haven't set SHARED_ONLY because libmpg123 may still be of use on
static platforms, but it would take very little to convince me

Lightly tested on i386, amd64 (-s), and sparc64.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Attachment: mpg123-20081110.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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