On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 05:19:22PM +0100, Steven Mestdagh wrote:
> Stefan Sperling [2008-11-30, 15:19:38]:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > the diff below splits extra and user-contributed scripts and tools out
> > of the -main package into separate -tools and -contrib packages.
> ...
> > The stuff in -tools is maintained by the Subversion project itself,
> > and has the same copyright holder and license.
> First question, is it necessary to package this separately from -main ?

It's generally not a good guideline for openbsd packages. We frown heavily
on added complexity.

The only cases where subpackages make sense for us are:
- big extra dependencies where one tiny piece
- licence issues
- big size issues.

If it's just a few small tools or contrib scripts, it really doesn't matter.

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