
On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 09:18:41AM +0100, Marc Balmer wrote:
>* Marco Peereboom wrote:
>> But we are better than this.  Since when is it ok that pkg_add -ui screws
>> up?  Are we turning into debian?

>> I'll let it rest though since it seems that no one gives a shit; why
>> should I care?

>Just for the record:  I built the package last night and used pkg_add -ui
>to update.  Not a single problem, not whil installing, not while using.

>I'd even say that FF3 is a wee bit faster.

That's my experience too. Sometimes still a little bit unstable, but
then, ff2 wasn't rock stable either (and konqueror isn't completely
stable either, though konqueror on a much slower box still feels
faster than ff3 on a faster box; but I like some features of ff, like
adblock plus, stylish for some pages with nearly unreadable styles, etc.).


Kind regards,


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