On Thu, 1 Jan 2009, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:

On Thu, 1 Jan 2009, Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse wrote:
you may want to attach the port, instead of the package ;-)
unless the Makefile is made up like the average .doc document...

FYI, the program is broken at least for the radeonhd driver. The regex, parsing the output from xrandr will never match with that driver. The attached patch would make this better, don't know if this may trigger other problems. The regex is pretty unspecific this way:

--- src/lxrandr.c.orig  Fri Jan  2 12:39:35 2009
+++ src/lxrandr.c       Fri Jan  2 12:41:53 2009
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ static gboolean get_xrandr_info()
         return FALSE;

-    regex = g_regex_new( "([A-Z]+[-0-9]*) +connected .*((\n 
+    regex = g_regex_new( "(.*) +connected .*((\n +[0-9]+x[0-9]+[^\n]+)+)",
                          0, 0, NULL );
     if( g_regex_match( regex, output, 0, &match ) )

Kind regards,

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