On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:42:47PM +0100, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
> Am 19.12.2008 um 12:22 schrieb Pierre-Emmanuel André:
>> Thanks for your update Simon.
>> I will not commit this update now: after a full day of testing, i've
>> some regressions with this version.
>> I tested with 3 accounts based on 3 differents servers(ichat server,
>> ejabberd 1.1.2 and ejabberd 2.0.1) and i have a lot of deconnexions...
>> If some gajim users read this thread, could you please test this  
>> update
>> and tells me if you see regressions ?
> That's exactly what I criticized before the release, but Yann wouldn't  
> listen to me and release anyway. He said nobody will get that problem  
> unless he uses GPRS and wouldn't believe me that this is a real problem. 
> I committed a fix for that shortly before the release, but he reverted it 
> as he considered it useless
> I'll forward your message to the Gajim ML, so he sees this is a real  
> issue.

Any news on that? BTW, there's 0.12.1 out.

> As a workaround, you can disasble the keepalives.
> --
> Jonathan


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