Simon Bertrang <> wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 09, 2009 at 04:12:13PM -0500, wrote:
> > Is anybody trying to port this script to OpenBSD?
> > 
> I haven't even heard of it yet, but i think it would be a valuable
> addition to the tree given the amount of files i've seen in this format
> already.
> Of course you're welcome to share any outcome :-)
> Kind regards,
> Simon
You can use xchm which is already in our ports three if you 
just want to read .chm files (in my case books) but it 
would be nice to be able to convert them to an open format.
The main dependency for chm2pdf besides python is chmlib.
That library is ported to OpenBSD since it is needed for xchm. 
I will try to see what I can do with the script itself.


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