On 2009/01/21 21:24, Michiel van Baak wrote:
> If you install the asterisk-speex package asterisk wont start and dies
> with a bus error.

ugh. I can repeat this on amd64.

> (I had to copy codecs/codec_speex.so because the ports make install
> stripped the debug symbols. if there's some magic to stop that please
> enlighten me)

make clean; make INSTALL_STRIP= DEBUG="-g -O0" repackage reinstall
After doing this for asterisk and speex I get this:

Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
[Switching to process 18661, thread 0x20d9d1800]
0x000000023b1cf6c3 in compute_weighted_codebook (
    shape_cb=0x23b2e7300 "\a\021\021\033\031\026\f\004ý", _r=0x7f7ffffdb918, 
    resp=0x7f7ffffdb058, resp2=0x7f7ffffdab58, E=0x7f7ffffdaad8, 
    shape_cb_size=32, subvect_size=10, stack=0x0) at cb_search_sse.h:79
79               *resp2++ = resj;
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000000023b1cf6c3 in compute_weighted_codebook (
    shape_cb=0x23b2e7300 "\a\021\021\033\031\026\f\004ý", _r=0x7f7ffffdb918, 
    resp=0x7f7ffffdb058, resp2=0x7f7ffffdab58, E=0x7f7ffffdaad8, 
    shape_cb_size=32, subvect_size=10, stack=0x0) at cb_search_sse.h:79
#1  0x000000023b1cf8c4 in split_cb_search_shape_sign_N1 (
    target=0x7f7ffffdbb98, ak=0x7f7ffffdbc38, awk1=0x7f7ffffdbd88, 
    awk2=0x7f7ffffdbd58, par=0x23b3eb1c0, p=10, nsf=40, exc=0x7f7ffffdbaf8, 
    r=0x7f7ffffdb918, bits=0x206f740d0, stack=0x0, update_target=0)
    at cb_search.c:153
#2  0x000000023b1cfe7f in split_cb_search_shape_sign (target=0x7f7ffffdbb98, 
    ak=0x7f7ffffdbc38, awk1=0x7f7ffffdbd88, awk2=0x7f7ffffdbd58, 
    par=0x23b3eb1c0, p=10, nsf=40, exc=0x7f7ffffdbaf8, r=0x7f7ffffdb918, 
    bits=0x206f740d0, stack=0x0, complexity=2, update_target=0)
    at cb_search.c:297
#3  0x000000023b1dd03a in nb_encode (state=0x200c6d800, vin=0x7f7ffffdbfd0, 
    bits=0x206f740d0) at nb_celp.c:845
#4  0x000000023b1d74d7 in speex_encode_int (state=0x200c6d800, in=0x206f74110, 
    bits=0x206f740d0) at speex.c:149
#5  0x000000023a9ac01a in lintospeex_frameout (pvt=0x206f74000)
    at codec_speex.c:277
#6  0x00000000004fa111 in calc_cost (t=0x23abb00a0, seconds=1)
    at translate.c:422
#7  0x00000000004fb069 in __ast_register_translator (t=0x23abb00a0, 
    mod=0x20e6beb80) at translate.c:672
#8  0x000000023a9ad0c4 in load_module () at codec_speex.c:492
#9  0x0000000000494c0a in load_resource (
    resource_name=0x2077b5490 "codec_speex.so", global_symbols_only=0)
    at loader.c:690
#10 0x00000000004955f1 in load_modules (preload_only=0) at loader.c:893
#11 0x0000000000436413 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7f7ffffdd3f0) at asterisk.c:3397

#0  0x000000023b1cf6c3 in compute_weighted_codebook (
    shape_cb=0x23b2e7300 "\a\021\021\033\031\026\f\004ý", _r=0x7f7ffffdb918, 
    resp=0x7f7ffffdb058, resp2=0x7f7ffffdab58, E=0x7f7ffffdaad8, 
    shape_cb_size=32, subvect_size=10, stack=0x0) at cb_search_sse.h:79
        _res = (float *) 0x7f7ffffdb058
        _shape = (
    const signed char *) 0x23b2e7300 "\a\021\021\033\031\026\f\004ý"
        i = 0
        j = 0
        k = 1
        resj = {0.21875, 0.875, 0.96875, -0.78125}
        EE = {0, 0, 0, 0}
        r = {{1, 1, 1, 1}, {0.41121453, 0.41121453, 0.41121453, 0.41121453}}
        shape = {{0.21875, 0.875, 0.96875, -0.78125}, {0.53125, -1.125, 
    -0.875, 0.4375}}
#1  0x000000023b1cf8c4 in split_cb_search_shape_sign_N1 (
    target=0x7f7ffffdbb98, ak=0x7f7ffffdbc38, awk1=0x7f7ffffdbd88, 
    awk2=0x7f7ffffdbd58, par=0x23b3eb1c0, p=10, nsf=40, exc=0x7f7ffffdbaf8, 
    r=0x7f7ffffdb918, bits=0x206f740d0, stack=0x0, update_target=0)
    at cb_search.c:153
        i = 254838068
        j = 2
        m = 996069376
        q = 32639
        shape_cb = (
    const signed char *) 0x23b2e7300 "\a\021\021\033\031\026\f\004ý"
        shape_cb_size = 32
        subvect_size = 10
        nb_subvect = 4
        params = (const split_cb_params *) 0x23b3eb1c0
        best_index = 2
        best_dist = 5.1078903e-37
        have_sign = 0
        resp = {0.21875, 2.80259693e-45}
        resp2 = {{3.36311631e-44, 0, -nan(0x7db050), 4.57369806e-41}, {
    -nan(0x7dafa0), 4.57369806e-41, 2.80259693e-45, 0}}
        E = {{4.40652862e-29, 2.80259693e-45, 1013940.94, 0}, {1.314893e-39, 
    0, 1013940.94, 0}}
        t = {-2.68830028e-19, -3.7937685e-19}
        e = {5.15027632e-38, 2.80259693e-45}
#2  0x000000023b1cfe7f in split_cb_search_shape_sign (target=0x7f7ffffdbb98, 
    ak=0x7f7ffffdbc38, awk1=0x7f7ffffdbd88, awk2=0x7f7ffffdbd58, 
    par=0x23b3eb1c0, p=10, nsf=40, exc=0x7f7ffffdbaf8, r=0x7f7ffffdb918, 
    bits=0x206f740d0, stack=0x0, complexity=2, update_target=0)
    at cb_search.c:297
        i = -149384
        j = 40
        k = 40
        m = 0
        n = 0
        q = 1050798235
        ot = (spx_word16_t **) 0x23b1d2ab1
        nt = (spx_word16_t **) 0x2fffdbd88
        shape_cb = (const signed char *) 0x23b3eb160 "@\224.;\002"
        shape_cb_size = 2
        subvect_size = 992908352
        nb_subvect = 32
        params = (const split_cb_params *) 0xaa67507000000011
        N = 1
        have_sign = -149840
        ot2 = Cannot access memory at address 0xbd8eff98bef7985e

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