On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 12:53:40AM +0700, Agung T. Apriyanto wrote:
> dear list,
> i would like to request this application "traffic" to be add into
> ports, although it currently no longer active but i found it quite
> usefull because main goal of this program to monitor/count bandwidth
> usage by IP. if no one interested, perhaps they would like to point me
> which from "traffic" source that need to be modify/patched so this
> program will able run in openbsd.

I think there are already plenty of utilities in base or ports that do
this.  Have you tried systat, net/iftop or net/pftop?

Mind you, I'm not against adding other applications to ports.  But I am
against coming on the list and asking for others to do your work for you
when similar utilities are already available.

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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