In upgrade41.html, we introduced a "warning" section about packages
with unusually traumatic upgrades.  In the 4.0 -> 4.1 upgrade,
(and again for 4.3 -> 4.4) postgresql required a database dump
before the upgrade and a restore afterwards, if one neglected to
do this, they would be hurting after installing the new version.

It's upgrade45.html time, and I need to know if there are any
packages worthy of a upgrade warnings for 4.4 -> 4.5

The criteria I would like to use is this:
  1) The upgrade is more traumatic than typical (for example,
     requiring PRE-upgrade actions)
  2) the package is in moderately wide-spread use.

For 4.3->4.4, the advisories were these:

* ejabberd: When upgrading ejabberd from 1.x to 2.x you will need
  to dump and restore database as described at
* Postgresql: you must dump your database before upgrade and
  restore it after.

nice, neat, one-line.

Please submit any suggestions for these to me.  Providing the nice,
neat, one-line summary would be great (I'm NOT good at nice, neat, OR
one-line!), and if you feel it needed, justify it to me. :)

(and if this message looks familiar, I'm a believer in e-mail reuse...)

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