On Fri, 27 Mar 2009, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:

On Wed, 18 Mar 2009, Antti Harri wrote:


"This release introduces water as a new resource. Also it is possible to build
bridges across rivers. The file format used to save games changed, data is
written to ~/.lincity-ng/ now, but you can still continue old games.

Note: To use the Japanese translation you have to copy or symlink a font with
Japanese characters to fonts/sans-ja_JA.ttf."

This is a slightly modified version of your diff with the japanese
translation hint as a new MESSAGE. Also, force linking with -liconv, not

That diff works for me on i386.

I will probably commit this by the end of the day if no-one objects.

Great and thanks in advance :-)

Antti Harri

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