James Wright wrote:
Nick Holland <nick <at> holland-consulting.net> writes:

Does it make sense to add features to EPIC4?
Scripts that depend on epic4, epic4 and epic5 do not have compatible interfaces

that would certainly be an issue...

There's a nasty bug in EPIC4 which causes epic to hang and spin the
CPU when you resize its terminal window.  Found it to be very annoying
for most of my users, and required a "kill -9" to free up my CPU.
Perhaps this is related to the 'don''t compile with -O2' advice that the website
gives.  What arch is this on?  Did you try this patch or my previous one forcing
a lower optimisation level?  I've never experienced the problem you describe.

Platform is i386...running pre-made package from 4.4-rel and 4.5-rel.

It is really easy to reproduce...in X, ssh to machine with Epic, start Epic4 in an xterm, now resize the x-term. Boom. Epic4 is now locked, and soaking all available CPU time. I guess I hardly ever resize my windows, as I never had the problem with it accidentally. One of our other users, however seemed to login, and couldn't go more than a few minutes without resize her window, wedging Epic and timing out. Got to the point where I was doing a daily kill -9 of all spinning epic

(same thing happens with resizing a PuTTY window from that mainstream

No, haven't tried any other tricks or patches...and probably won't
have time until after May 1...

Apparently, this is a known issue with the last version of epic4, the
known solution is to upgrade to epic5.

I googled for this problem and your report here was my only substantive hit, and
#epic is too busy discussing bad cops/good cops to answer questions, heh.  Also,
the mailing list archives seem to have gone 404, do you have a link?

bah. Well, the same friend that found the problem and I *thought* said "the solution is to run epic5" just gave me this link, which has a considerably simpler solution...

so..sounds like the point of this side-tracking of this thread is wrong..there's (hopefully) better solutions to the problems I'm seeing.

I have yet to find a decent epic5 script, is bare epic5 usable?

barely...but for us (bunch of compulsive window re-sizes), more so than
epic4. There's a tab completion script I (finally) found which de-suckifies it a lot (tabkey.jm, seems to be included with epic5).


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