I think I'm going to use this as a case study...

Yes, this is heavy flame material, but I'm in a fey mood...

So we ousted wireshark (at the time ethereal) out of the ports tree
because of its lack of security.

Now, we get a port that claims it's all fixed and better.

>From what sthen@ says, it looks like the basis for this claim is just
two posts in the wireshark cloud, saying non-privilege separation was 
indeed a problem, and saying 'the problem has been solved".

The port is indeed a trivial port, with no development needed.  And I can
verify Stuart's claim just fine: no privilege separation in that port 
(otherwise, there would be a _wireshark user and I would see some @mode
annotations in the PLIST, see, I don't even have to dig !)

This is a pattern I've seen all too often: fledgling "security expert" who
doesn't understand TWIT about development, and instead relies on 
developers' posts to understand how software works, as a kind of "arcane
magic" (Plato's Cavern anyone ?)

This gets tiresome... the lesson is simpler. Don't trust anyone who claims
they sell "security" (heck, not even the OpenBSD project). It might be 
that the new wireshark is indeed correct, but until I actually look 
at the code, and see a port that actually *achieves* privilege separation, 
I see no reason to believe...

It's all about freedom: the freedom to make up your own mind.

Start educating yourselves, people ! you want to use dangerous tools like
wireshark, don't even think about installing them without looking at the
code yourself.

You don't understand privilege separation ? Tough luck. What are you doing
in the realm of computer security ?

People, wake up. Network security was enough a few years ago. It's all about
applications and secure development these days. At least if you want to
matter 5 years from now...

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