Colin Percival <> wrote:

> Hi Predrag & OpenBSD ports people,
> I've released scrypt version 1.1.3, which now has a man page in addition to 
> the
> portability fixes in the version I sent Predrag for testing a few days ago; it
> is at
> and there's a GPG-signed SHA256 hash at
> Please let me know if/when you add this to your ports tree -- I'll list it on
> the scrypt website.
> -- 
> Colin Percival
> Security Officer, FreeBSD | | The power to serve
> Founder / author, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly 
> paranoid
Hi Collin,

Stuard has already made a port. I think he has commit privileges.
I just sent him a private email asking him to update Mekefile with
the address of your source-file. How quickly the port will be committed
depends on testing of course but I would think very soon.

I apologize for bitching you saw about your work by one guy on ports. 
The guy obviously didn't know what he was talking about and was 
immediately hash. 


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