I haven't had a lot of time to think about this...

        From matthieu.he...@laas.fr Fri May 22 16:56:02 2009

        joshua stein wrote:

        > if this update doesn't break presentations like it did
        > before (which is why it was reverted to 1.09), then remove
        > the hack comment and you can avoid setting pkgname.
        It probably still does, since the breakage (for deraadt and
        henning) is caused by magicpoint switching to more modern
        font handling, causing the layout of slides to change enough
        to make some existing slides unreadable.

        We'll probably need 2 ports a  "legacy" and a "current" one.

Later magicpoint versions aren't broken because they changed the way 
they rendered fonts to use a more modern method. They may break 
old presentations because of it, though, and that's a valid concern. 
It makes sense to me to have two versions if this is the case. 
Otherwise we're basically freezing magicpoint for the sake of 
backwards compatibility, which, while important, shouldn't be the 
only consideration in my humble opinion.

If the rest of you disagree, *hides* okay! :-)

Aaron W. Hsu <arcf...@sacrideo.us> | <http://www.sacrideo.us>
"Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to
live at the expense of everybody else." -- Frederic Bastiat
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