Blogsum is a very basic blogging application.  It was written from
scratch with a focus on simplicity and security.  Basically, I got sick
and tired of futzing with crappy "secure" blog software or the nightmare
of sticking WordPress on my server.

It stores articles and comments in a very simple SQLite database format.
Articles are HTML markup, and comments (if enabled) use the reCAPTCHA
service and admin moderation.  Authors and admins are based on
${REMOTE_USER} from an AuthUserFile.  More details are available online
at the project site:

My own blog ( has been active on Blogsum for a
couple months now.  I'd love to get more feedback although it's pretty
close to feature-complete.


Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

Attachment: blogsum.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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