On Tue, 6 Oct 2009, Alexander Bubnov wrote:

> Yes. Like that - BSD community. I do not think it is Utopia. I think at
> first there is a need to discussed some general aims and rules which helps
> to resolve difference opinions. Then do common work together.
> For example (below just alphabetically sort BSD systems),
> - FreeBSD would like to be fastest  under i386. FreeBSD team can do
> packages/ports related to i386.
> - NetBSD would like to be ported under many platforms. This BSD can do all
> rest work.
> - OpenBSD would like to be very secure and stable.  Blowfish team can
> implement packages system to build them for N-platform using pkgsrc.
> I guess cooperation of BSD teams can save time to concentrate for different
> aims, but not common.
> BSD community is the power .
> Unfortunately, I can see divisions like DragonflyBSD. I guess it is bad way.
> It is just my opinion.

Do you know this quote?

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in 
practice, there is."
-- Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

You shouldn't believe when you read about:

OpenBSD -> secure
NetBSD -> portable
FreeBSD -> fast

Make people think these qualities are mutually exclusive and in 
consequence make assumptions like you made.


Daniel Bolgheroni
FEI - Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial

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