On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 12:02:20PM +0200, Markus Hennecke wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Oct 2009, Edd Barrett wrote:
> >On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:57:20AM +0200, Markus Hennecke wrote:
> >>Like Marc already pointed out I am using SDL so that the resolution
> >>is switched to a smaller one while playing videos full screen. I'll
> >>check if I can achive the same effect with the x11 driver.
> >
> >Thanks, please report back, so I can try the same thing on a sparc64.
> Looks like it is equal fast, but the usability is not existant with the 
> x11 driver. SDL will start the movie in a window and I can press 'f' which 
> will change the screen resolution and gives me a full screen view of the 
> movie without window decorations. The -vm option together with the x11 
> driver will a) switch immediatly to a new resolution and b) let my window 
> manager position the window somewhere on the screen. Not good, I can tell 
> mplayer to not grab the mouse pointer and then the window is movable (as 
> long as it is still visible in the smaller section of the screen that is 
> shown). I'm sure that I can work around the window positioning problem, 
> but I would really miss switching from "full screen" to window mode back 
> and forth. So for now I would opt for keeping the SDL flavor.
> Kind regards,
>   Markus

so, basically you want pressing 'f' to get you full screen in a smaller
than normal video mode?

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