On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 11:50:25AM -0600, David Taveras wrote:
> Hello,
> We have a site with about 2000 visits per day, and now the logging is
> getting extremely hard to review, as security is number one the ideal
> situation for me would be to be able to classify the output into
> groups so that I as a sysadmin can be aware of all, know if there is a
> increase of hits for a particular rule, and most important is to know
> when Iam getting (or tried to) getting SQL/PHP injected.
> Is there a way without using commercial add-ons to classify all this
> output and actually make sense of it, possibly by sending important
> alerts?  How do other people do this?
> Sure: best practice is to have secure PHP code.. but in an environment
> where you cannot trust the code. This is my only path.

As a general rule, reviewing stuff that your firewall/filter has stopped
isn't terribly useful. After all, it's only the stuff that it lets
through that you care about...

However, to answer your question, I have had good success with using
sysutils/sec, the Simple Event Correlator (for syslog, but it's fairly
generic.) I use a hackish sed script to allow some macros (like __IP__
for a regex matching IP addresses), and a generic preamble/post-amble to
make sure that a log record is matched by exactly one rule in all files
(one of the last rules matches and reports everything not matched by an
earlier rule). With a bit of scripting, it can send mail (and presumably
pager notifications).

Be warned, though, that it's very generic and hence you'll have to write
most of this stuff yourself.


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