On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Christian Weisgerber
<na...@mips.inka.de> wrote:
> I would like to update www/firefox35 to 3.5.6 for the latest round
> of security fixes.  There's nothing to it, version number and
> distinfo update.  *Except* that it wants sqlite or better
> and our sqlite port is at 3.6.16.  I can't find a distfile for
> and sthen@ says 3.6.17 and later require Tcl for building,
> which needs careful examination, so updating databases/sqlite3 will
> be its own effort.

maybe I'm missing something, but i thought sqlite3 always required tcl
to build (at least for a while it has):

$ pwd
$ make show=PKGNAME
$ make show=_BUILD_DEP
lang/tcl/8.5 devel/libtool


> So, update firefox35 to 3.5.6 and switch to its included sqlite,
> or wait until databases/sqlite3 is updated?
> (And, yes, apparently there was a notable bug fix after sqlite
> 3.6.16.)

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