hi there,

i have just run into the following situation:

$ sudo pkg_add gimp
Collision: the following files already exist
/usr/local/include/gimp-2.0/libgimp/gimppalette.h (same checksum)
/usr/local/include/gimp-2.0/libgimp/gimppalette_pdb.h (same checksum)
/usr/local/include/gimp-2.0/libgimp/gimppalettemenu.h (same checksum)
/usr/local/include/gimp-2.0/libgimp/gimppalettes.h (same checksum)
/usr/local/include/gimp-2.0/libgimp/gimppalettes_pdb.h (same checksum)
/usr/local/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/gimp20-std-plug-ins.mo (same checksum)
Error from
ftp: -: short write
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection.

my first reaction was: there might be a -F option to
handle this.  but the man page mentions collisions
exactly once, someplace else.

what i was looking for is actually -F repair.
it does the right thing and proceeds with the
installation after warning about the collisions.

could the word "collision" be added in some form to the
-F repair section of the man page?

-             repair           attempt to repair installed packages with miss-
-                              ing registration data.
+             repair           resolve collisions and attempt to repair ins-
                               talled packages with missing registration data.

i am so open-minded my brain falls out.

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