On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 01:00:11PM +0800, Kevin Lo wrote:
> $ cat pkg/DESCR
> GMapCatcher is an offline maps viewer. It downloads CloudMade, 
> OpenStreetMap or Google Map tiles automatically, display them using 
> a specific GUI. User can view the maps while offline. 
> Comments? ok?
>       Kevin

OK, first of all... This is cool!

Whats all of this moving src/ to gmapcatcher/? Is this really necessary?

Also why do you copy in your own setup.py?

I'm sure there are reason for these points. I'm just curious.


To get rid of the annoying red and blue blob on the map after a search:
 * delete what is in the search bar
 * hit F5

I hope they change this in the next release. Its annoying.

Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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