Uwe Dippel <udippel <at> uniten.edu.my> writes:

> Picking up from some earlier complaints with the then new webalizer, 
> which broke all my setups (though I followed the suggestions - 
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.os.openbsd.ports/29855), I tried yet 
> another time:
> Removed all webalizer stuff, pkg_delete webalizer, rm 
> /var/log/webalizer*, rm /var/log/dns_cache.db.
> Checked with 'locate webalizer', nothing left (aside from in 
> /usr/ports). So I assume everything is clean.
> So I could do
> pkg_add webalizer, then the following changes in /etc/webalizer.conf:
> > # diff /etc/webalizer.conf 
> > /usr/local/share/examples/webalizer/sample.conf                 
> > 31,32d30
> > < LogFile        /var/www/logs/access_log
> > 47,48d44
> > < OutputDir      /var/www/htdocs/webstat
> > 59,60d54
> > < HistoryName /var/log/webalizer.hist
> > 76,77d69
> > < Incremental yes
> > 87,88d78
> > < IncrementalName /var/log/webalizer.current
> > 125,126d114
> > < PageType      php
> > 144,145d131
> > < DNSCache      /var/log/dns_cache.db
> > 160,161d145
> > < DNSChildren 15
> > 338,339d321
> > < TopKURLs       30
> > 649,650d630
> > < MangleAgents   1

Did the same on my second box (correct me if something was done wrong, please!),
and there it does go through:

Webalizer Xtended RB21 (08-Dec-2007) / OpenBSD 4.6 / English
Copyright 2005-2007 by Patrick K. Frei
Based on Webalizer V2.01-10
Using logfile /var/www/logs/access_log (clf)
Using default GeoIP database:
GEO-106FREE 20090201 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved
DNS Lookup (15): 61 addresses in 0.25 seconds
Using DNS cache file /var/log/dns_cache.db
Creating output in /var/www/htdocs/webstat

but the country statistics are all (100%) unresolved. Where did the 61 addresses
actually go?
I only removed the two DNS entries from the cache (DNSCache and DNSChildren)
next, rm /var/log/webalizer.*, and ran it again, browser refresh, and all
countries *are* displayed. 
Maybe during package creation, DNS was not specified? And even if, should it not
handle this situation in a more robust manner?

Any hint appreciated,


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