Hi there,

attached is a port of sidplay2 and libsidplay2.

Both ports use PKGNAME to align with sidplay and libsidplay, pkgsrc,
FreeBSD ports and various Linux distros.

There's a problem with the port that I don't know how to deal with:
libsidplay2 contains a shared library (libresid-builder.so.0.0) in a
non-standard location. The ports infrastructure detects it anyway and
deals with it nicely.

However when using said library in sidplay2, it complains that it can't
find resid-builder in the "verifying specs" stage. I've looked into
bsd.port.mk and it appears to loop over /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib and
/usr/X11R6/lib to check if a specified library exists.
There is no way to specify a different location where it should look as

So... sidplay2 either doesn't build at all or complains when you run
lib-depends-check. I've chosen the later and commented resid-builder for

What's the proper way to deal with this problem?

Port tested on i386. Test material can be found at http://www.hvsc.de/

Attachment: libsidplay2.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: sidplay2.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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