On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Neal Hogan <nealho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 5:53 AM, Edd Barrett <vex...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Attached is a tool I developed to help solve propositional logic for my
>> research. It is based upon MiniSAT (hence jasper@ in CC).I don't know if
>> we have any prop logic pros on list? I would appreciate feedback.
>> Anyway here is the port. OK?
> Not sure why I'm getting the following or what to do about it.

I got it . . . moved .../mystuff/logic2cnf to .../mystuff/math/logic2cnf

Sorry for the noise.

> looked for answers, but I'm not finding any. I have an updated ports
> tree and am running amd64 -current. Thanks for your help. This sounds
> like a pretty cool program.
> montagueroot tar xvzf /home/neal/port_HACKS/logic2cnf-port.tgz -C
> /usr/ports/mystuff/
> logic2cnf
> logic2cnf/Makefile
> logic2cnf/distinfo
> logic2cnf/pkg
> logic2cnf/pkg/PLIST
> logic2cnf/pkg/DESCR
> montagueroot cd /usr/ports/mystuff
> montagueroot ls
> .         ..        logic2cnf
> montagueroot cd logic2cnf/
> montagueroot make install clean
> Fatal: one category in math lang should match PKGPATH=logic2cnf (in logic2cnf)
> Fatal: bogus PKGPATH=logic2cnf (no subdirectory) (in logic2cnf)
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.

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