On 2010/11/03 00:19, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Nov 2010, Steven Mestdagh wrote:
> > Marc Espie [2010-10-31, 12:26:43]:
> > > I finally made up my mind about it. Those are the rules. Don't commit new 
> > > ports without proper spacing.  Whenever you update ports, if you have the
> > > time, please add the spacing.
> > 
> > I don't have a problem with this, but I notice people send in diffs which
> > mix updates with spacing, and a simple update diff quickly becomes really
> > long and harder to read. So I suggest we don't intermix this too much.
> I cannot agree more. Stop the madness please.

Absolutely. I would suggest also that we don't do this port by port.
If we have to do this I think the usual method of changing a category
at a time is the only sane way, we really don't want hundreds of
"space conversion" diffs for individual ports cluttering po...@.

Also suggestions welcome for how to make the PERMIT_* variables
not look totally awful.

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