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December 2010UNSUBSCRIBE

"TRONDHEIMSOLISTENE - in folk style" nominated for two GRAMMY-awards
The Trondheim Soloists is nominated for Best Small Ensemble Performance. In the 
category Best Surround Sound Album Morten Lindberg is nominert as producer and 
engineer for the same album. The Norwegian label 2L now count a total of 9 
nominations past five years. The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards will be held on 
February 13th, 2011, at Staples Center in Los Angeles and once again will be 
broadcast live in high definition TV and 5.1 surround sound on CBS.
TRONDHEIMSOLISTENE - in folk style: In Nordic Melodies we find Grieg in 
passionate play with folk songs. The work sparkles with harmonies and 
expression, developing a whole story from just a few short stanzas. The Holberg 
Suite, loved for its beauty and feared for its challenges, is a fusion of 
European musical tradition and a genuine Norwegian sound palette. The Trondheim 
Soloists follow up with two brilliant soloists, Emilia Amper on nyckelharpa and 
Gjermund Larsen on fiddle, in newly commissioned music characterized by the 
same energy and tenderness. Wild nature and Nordic light are essential elements 
of the folk style. This lies at the core of the Trondheim Soloist's soul, a 
meeting between the musical playfulness and passion. Conductor: Øyvind Gimse. 
Ensemble leader: Geir Inge Lotsberg.
The Trondheim Soloists is regarded one of the top chamber orchestras in the 
world. Their DIVERTIMENTI was nominated for the 51st GRAMMY Awards as "Best 
Small Ensemble", "Best Engineered Album" and "Best Surround Sound Album" in 
2008. Now IN FOLK STYLE sets a new standard for the performance of Edvard 
Grieg's "Suite From Holberg's Time" with the intense musical details revealed 
in this most spectacular surround sound recording ever made.
Photo service: TrondheimSolistene // TrondheimSolistene // Morten Lindberg

Sigmund Groven & Iver Kleive
HARMONICA AND ORGAN - AN UNUSUAL DUO. The world's smallest and the world's 
largest musical instrument; "David and Goliath" together in stunning baroque 
pieces and Norwegian folk music!

"In the right hands the harmonica can be an instrument of great beauty and 
sophistication. Sigmund Groven, like Tommy Reilly and Larry Adler before him, 
makes full use of the wide range and tonal expressions that the harmonica is 
capable of. His musicianship is superb, and he now unquestionably reigns 
supreme as one of the finest exponents of the harmonica in the world." - Sir 
George Martin
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Release Europe and Asia: December 2010 (EAN 7041888515821)
Release USA and Canada: February 2011 (UPC 845829000776)
Hybrid SACD + Pure Audio Blu-ray
two-disc-box at the price of one ordinary Blu-ray
Recorded in DXD (Digital eXtreme Definition 352.8kHz/24bit)
5.1 surround and STEREO (24bit / 192kHz DTS HD MA)

Sigmund Groven and Iver Kleive have collaborated for more than 30 years and 
have built a repertoire consisting mainly of baroque pieces and Norwegian 
music, most of which they have composed and arranged themselves. Even though 
they have chosen very different instruments, and are also quite different 
personalities in many ways, they have a fundamental musical rapport and 
understanding and also have many other things in common. They both originate 
from musical families; born and raised in Telemark, a region of Norway rich in 
folk-music, they have always had an open mind and taken keen interest in 
various contemporary and popular musical styles and idioms. They left Norway to 
study, and their mentors were the best possible role models: In Munich Iver 
came under the guidance of organist Franz Lehrndorfer and legendary 
choir­master, conductor, and organist Karl Richter, whereas Sigmund had the 
great fortune to study in England with his boyhood idol, the equally legendary 
Tommy Reilly, one of the great pioneers of serious harmonica-playing.

artist portrait ANNAR FOLLESØ
Annar Follesø studied at Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt in Oslo and at Indiana 
University in Bloomington, USA. In addition to his violin studies with Mauricio 
Fuks in Bloomington, he studied baroque violin with Stanley Ritchie and chamber 
music with György Sebök and Leonard Hokanson, among others.
Follesø has recorded three CDs for the record label 2L, the most recent being 
world premiere recordings of the violin concertos by "the Scandinavian 
Paganini", Ole Bull (1810-1880). A collaboration with the Norwegian Radio 
Orchestra conducted by Ole Kristian Ruud, this CD was released in March 2010. 
The release has received superb reviews, and the Grieg Society of Great Britain 
has conferred on the recording its "Record of the Year" award. The disc has 
been widely broadcast, and in September 2010 the entire CD was aired by BBC 3 
as part of their five-programme traversal of Ole Bull and his times. The Yehudi 
Menuhin Competition, held in Oslo in April 2010, purchased the CD as a gift to 
its participants, jury and guests. The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
has purchased a large volume of the disc for distribution to all of its foreign 
stations. Follesø has in this anniversary year championed Ole Bull extensively 
on the concert stage, and delighted audiences in cities like London, Bergen, 
Oslo, Stockholm and Lviv with this virtuosic and beautiful music.
In 2005 Follesø released a CD in collaboration with pianist Christian Ihle 
Hadland and clarinetist Björn Nyman. This record, comprised of works by Bartók, 
was received with equal enthusiasm as the Bull release. John Marks in 
Stereophile named it ".one of the most attractive Bartók releases I have come 
across in years". Elaine Fine, American Record Guide: "This is a wonderful 
recording. All the playing is superb."
  Annar Follesø has toured and given concerts in the USA, People's Republic of 
China, Russia, France, Austria and South Korea, among others. He has worked 
with conductors such as Andris Nelsons, Eivind Gullberg Jensen and Ole Kristian 
Ruud. In 1998 Follesø became the first Norwegian violin soloist to perform at 
the Salzburg Festival, after being awarded the violin prize at the 
International Summer Academy for his interpretation of the Bartók solo sonata. 
Together with Wolfgang Plagge he is artistic director of the Sunnmøre Chamber 
Music Festival.
"When I perform it is essential for me to achieve a sense of direct 
communication with the audience, in the form of a sincere, real-time, 
spontaneously inflected exploration of the musical landscape. For this to be 
possible it will be necessary for me to have attained a strong sense of the 
emotional, stylistic, and structural properties of the music. This approach is 
one that I also try to bring with me in the recording situation." - Annar 
Download photos Portrait 1 // Portrait 2 // Portrait 3 // Portrait 4 // 
Portrait 5 //// Artist Management Tivoli & Crescendi Artists

Our FLAC and DXD Test Bench is updated with fresh tracks
2L high resolution audio files distributed by
HDtracks - iTrax - eONKYO - GubeMusic - KlickTrack
Stereo FLAC 24 bit 96kHz is a perfect match
with Logitech Squeezebox TOUCH and TRANSPORTER

OLE BULL Violin Concertos
Annar Follesø / Norwegian Radio Orchestra / Ole Kristian Ruud
Definition: "2L once again dive into their Norwegian heritage to deliver the 
world a dazzling disc full of marvelously recorded and beautiful music. If you 
are unfamiliar with the musical landscape of Ole Bull, then the superb play of 
the Norwegian Radio Orchestra under Ole Krisitan Ruud with Annar Follesø's 
violin will be a perfect guide. This is a highly recommended recording."
BBC Music Magazine: "Annar Follesø does a sterling job of bringing these works 
vibrantly to life, with barely a blemish in his beautiful bel canto tone 
despite the numerous leaps into the stratosphere. The Norwegian Radio Orchestra 
gives excellent support under Ole Kristian Ruud."
AWARDS: Record of the Year by The Grieg Society of Great Britain.
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MUSICONLINEFLAC stereo and surround artwork

STRING QUARTETS Beethoven - Nordheim - Bartók 

HiFi+: "This is a jewel, not only in the music, but also in a wonderfully 
recorded disc of string quartets. The playing is sublime and the sound quality 
is one of the finest i've heard"
Buy disc-set or MP3 Buy real HD audio filesMedia Service
MUSICONLINEFLAC stereo and surround artwork

The Trondheim Soloists / Larsen / Amper 
Danmarks Radio: Ugens CD!
Classic FM: Editors Choice!
The Strad: "Breathtaking: vigerous, tender, nostalgic and beautiful"
BBC Music Magazine: "As with their stunning Divertimento disc, the Trondheim 
Soloists possess great energy and a full-blooded sound, though there is no lack 
of poetry or beauty. Unless you have a pathological aversion to modern folk 
music, then this is infectious."
Buy disc-set or MP3 Buy real HD audio filesMedia Service
MUSICONLINEFLAC stereo and surround artwork

2L produced by Lindberg Lyd AS | Box 56 Bogerud | NO-0621 OSLO | NORWAY | +47 
4815 2222 |

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