
another piece in puzzle - py-virtinst aka virtinst.
I included py-urlgrabber as it is needed for py-virtinst.

py-virtinst (virtinst) is a set of commandline tools to create virtual
machines using libvirt:

* virt-install: provision new virtual machines
* virt-clone: clone existing virtual machines
* virt-image: create virtual machines from an image description
* virt-convert: convert virtual machines between formats.


* read previous mail about libvirt
* copy iso into /var/lib/libvirt/images on remote host
* virsh commands like pool-list vol-list $name will give
  you names of your storage (see pool=default and vol=default/fedora.iso
  in the command below)

remote VM creation and installation invoked like this:

virt-install --connect qemu+ssh://r...@ \
  --virt-type kvm --name demo --ram 500 --vnc --os-variant fedora14 \
  --disk pool=default,size=8,device=disk \
  --disk vol=default/fedora.iso,device=cdrom \
  --network network=default

comments welcome.


Attachment: py-virtinst-0.500.4.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: py-urlgrabber-3.9.1.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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