Hi I tried sending this diff to maintainer but got the following "over
quota" error back:

  ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
   (reason: 552 5.2.2 Over quota)

also, noticed in cvs logs that there was a "maintainer timeout" from
sthen@, which makes me wonder if maintainer's email address may be
outdated and the account is no longer checked.

Anyway, I needed to play with later version of gnuplot so I figured an
update to the port may be the best way to go.

- 4.2 -> 4.4 bump
- Update to preferred Makefile format 'var <space> = <value>'
- pkg/PLIST update
- new no_cairo FLAVOR

If I've screwed things up just yell with hints or just run with it
yourself. In particular I'm not too certain of the pkg/PFRA.no-no_x11

Happy New Year!

Attachment: gnuplot.diff
Description: Binary data

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