
Jasper asked me, so in case anyone else is interested, here's the
current state of my work on the ghc update (note that it's still a
release candidate):

Some ports are still broken and need some more work (more or less
difficult; some may just need type signatures added at some places,
like in the recent net/hpodder commit, some may require some closer
look and real code changes, and some just depend on other broken

        devel/c2hs (this is already broken with ghc-6.12.3)

The only really critical port IMHO is devel/darcs. In case ghc-7.0.2
will be released soon, I'll put it in (together with all diffs to
other hs-ports) as soon as any final issues with lang/ghc and
devel/darcs are fixed.

All other hs-ports either work fine without any change or I have
diffs for them.

I didn't yet have a close look at the ghc regression tests (but I
have test results for both amd64 and i386 around, so I only have
to find yet another boring day for working through it). I know about at
least one or two problems with the ghc release candidate:

- The module list in the main library documentation
  (${LOCALBASE}/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/index.html) is completely
  empty, same for the doc-index.html. This is completely annoying and
  makes the documentation mostly unusable.

- There seems to be some problem with signal handlers. At least in
  xmonad the annoying zombie problem is back, even after I re-added
  the cleanZombies diff back to xmonad-0.9.2. After adding some
  debugging putStrLn into xmonad, it looks like the SIGCLD handler
  is never called when a child (e.g. an xterm) exits. Maybe a ghc
  problem or I screwed xmonad itself in some stupid way.

If anyone wants to know the exact state (and the diffs), check out
http://openbsd.dead-parrot.de/hsdiffs/ (or cvs:~kili/hsdiffs).

00everything.diff is a diff for all affected ports (relative to
/usr/ports); 00hs-pkgnames is a list of ports and pkgnames before/after
the switch to ghc-7.0.2, with some comments about what is broken;
all other files are diffs to single ports.


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