Ruby-GNOME2 is a set of Ruby language bindings for the GNOME 2.0
development environment, including the following libraries:
Ruby/GnomeCanvas2, Ruby/GNOME2, Ruby/Libart2, Ruby/Libglade2,
Ruby/GConf2, Ruby/GnomeVFS, Ruby/GtkGLExt, Ruby/GtkHtml2,
Ruby/GtkSourceView, Ruby/PanelApplet, Ruby/GnomePrint,
Ruby/GnomePrintUI, Ruby/RSVG, Ruby/GtkMozEmbed, Ruby/Poppler, Ruby/VTE

It depends on ruby-cairo, included, which provides bindings to the ruby
cairo library.

Tested on i386 with the sample program at

Looking for OKs.

Most of the included libraries link against libpthread, so they require
the LD_PRELOAD hack.


Attachment: ruby-gnome2.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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