[added maintainer to CC's]

On 2011/03/07 16:27, David Coppa wrote:
> This diff updates graphics/feh to the latest version available.
> tests and/or OKs are welcome, as usual...
> cheers
> david

-- -- --
$ feh space.jpg  
feh WARNING: the config is now read from .config/feh/themes, please update your 
feh: invalid option -- �
                        feh: invalid option -- �
                                                feh: invalid option -- �
                                                                        feh - 
No loadable images specified.
Use feh --help for detailed usage information
-- -- --

IMO this message should at least mention .fehrc so the user
has some idea what file is causing the problem, and the non-ascii
chars in the invalid option lines are nasty..

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