Spent a lot of time working on this actually, and it's more or less working.

If you invoke dpb -fN, then it will create n jobs specifically for fetching
distfiles. Those are local (should be movable to -DFETCHHOST=value, will
happen soon) and don't really consume cpu (apart from the checksum part).

I even tested it by wiping all my distfiles and found a few fun surprises
in the process.

The heuristics to choose which distfile to fetch first are totally rudimentary
for now, so it doesn't work all that great with an empty distfiles directory.

For "normal" work, it performs great: instead of having a lot of dpb job
sitting around waiting for fetch to occur, fetch will happen on the fly, and
having a correct progress meter for fetching distfiles is good too.

Compared to old mirror-maker, dpb uses ftp -C in a somewhat smart way: it
creates temporary files that will get moved after they're checksummed.
(that was today's commits, actually, I had to finish the logic of that part).

dpb does not perform too great with FETCH_MANUALLY either, it will just log
the corresponding messages, and NOT restart the jobs correctly: after
fetching manually, you will have to abort and restart dpb, for now.

To do list:
- better handling of restart on lock removal.
- better heuristics for fetch order: should probably start with small
distfiles with no dependencies to avoid queue starvation, then switch to
an heuristics directly tied to the build engine, then do the largest files
first (icky part is to figure out when to switch strategies, no smart idea
- clean-up engine some more and extend to do regress.
- document the new file names.

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