Somewhere in Lua, even the parser possibly, there is memory
corruption.  One of my scripts started giving very strange errors
shortly after an edit.  Sometimes the errors were even different.
Delete the new lines, all is well.  Add back dummy lines that don't do
anything, crashes.  The crashes in fact occur before the changed
function is even called, but after it is parsed.  Perhaps I should
explain what a strange error is.  "script.lua:-1882717303: 'for'
initial value must be a number" is a strange error to me.

I was able to get consistent bizarre errors by changing getrnibble in
malloc.c to always return 0.  Not random, but still bizarre.

Alas, I am unable to reduce or reproduce the errors except by
modifying a few lines of a particular function.  I have lots of other
Lua code working successfully.  Useless as all this may be, I figured
it's worth reporting in case anybody sees anything like it.  Haven't
reported it to the Lua people, either, until there's something they
could possibly do about it.

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