On Mon, Jul 04, 2011 at 07:02:26AM -0500, Amit Kulkarni wrote:
> Ogle and related ports
> x11/ogle
> x11/ogle-gui
> x11/goggles
> The main homepages:
> http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/groups/dvd/
> http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~dvd/
> etc.

Ogle is still one of the best dvd players out there (if not the best), with
support for chapters and menus that actually *works*. Plus, the intuitive
interface and bookmarkings (especially the goggles frontend).

It has a few (very few) limitations: it cannot be used to encode dvds, nor
does it support Closed-Caption subtitles.

Contrary to (say) mplayer, it also has a decent decoding model that use
separate processes for various things. Thus, it can play dvds on multi-core
machines that would be unable to do so otherwise (yes, I realize those are
a bit old these days).

Also, it does not depend on the kitchen sink:
echo$ SUBDIR=x11/ogle make all-dir-depends|tsort|wc -l
echo$ SUBDIR=x11/vlc make all-dir-depends|tsort|wc -l  
echo$ SUBDIR=x11/mplayer make all-dir-depends|tsort|wc -l  

Obsolete you say ? by no mean !

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