
I did get mozilla thunderbird 5.0, to build on i386. Built the package not tested. I would have uninstalled the previous version for my build.

xpcom.18.0 is from mozilla thunderbird 5.0, to create the lightning package this version must be installed.

Having thunderbird 3.1.11 installed will satisfy the LIB_DFEPENDS-lightning = ${BUILD_PKGPATH},-main, which is why the libraries mismatch. To force it to expect thunderbird 5.0 to be installed, something like this
is required.

I wiped the previous build and installed mozilla-thunderbird-3.1.11, and tried the above, that appears to have worked. Wasn't expected to work I was expecting some error message, guess the package create checks in /usr/ports/pobj/mozilla-thunderbird-5.0 for the library now.


Nigel Taylor

On 07/05/11 19:47, Brett wrote:
Hi ports people,

I am still trying to get Thunderbird 5 to work on i386.
In case it matters, I have Thunderbird 3.1.11 and Firefox 5 installed.
For a few days git would not download it, but now that is working again.
It seems to build almost all the way, then is missing library:

Can't create lightning-1.0beta4v0 because of libraries
|library lib/thunderbird-5.0/xpcom.18.0 not found
Fatal error: can't continue
at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgCreate.pm line 1219

Possibly using -current kernel has caused an issue (generic kernel built
yesterday from cvs source, base system was June 24 snapshot). I don't
know if that would cause the above library version to be out of sync.

Steps I took on i386:

# cd /usr/ports
# cvs -d anon...@anoncvs.ca.openbsd.org:/cvs up -Pd
# rm -rf /usr/ports/mail/mozilla-thunderbird
(had to do this first or git would not do its cloning)
# cd /usr/ports/mail/
# git clone -b tb5 http://rhaalovely.net/git/mozilla-thunderbird/
# cd mozilla-thunderbird/
# make install >> /home/brett/Desktop/output
Way too much output to post I think (I can send whole file if you like),
last part of /home/brett/Desktop/output file:

Link to /usr/ports/packages/i386/ftp/mozilla-thunderbird-5.0.tgz
Link to /usr/ports/packages/i386/cdrom/mozilla-thunderbird-5.0.tgz
`/usr/ports/pobj/mozilla-thunderbird-5.0/fake-i386/.fake_done' is up to
===> Building package for lightning-1.0beta4v0
Create /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/lightning-1.0beta4v0.tgz
reading plist| checking dependencies| checking
dependencies|devel/desktop-file-utils checking
dependencies|devel/gettext checking dependencies|lang/python/2.7
checking dependencies|mail/mozilla-thunderbird,-main |
(mozilla-thunderbird-3.1.11): bad major
Direct dependencies for lightning-1.0beta4v0 resolve to
desktop-file-utils-0.18p0 mozilla-thunderbird-3.1.11 python-2.7.1p6
Full dependency tree is gtk+2-2.24.5p0 libxml-2.7.8p2 png-1.2.44
desktop-file-utils-0.18p0 libgamin-0.1.10p4 jpeg-8c libiconv-1.13p2
jasper-1.900.1p1 nss-3.12.9 gettext-0.18.1p0 sqlite3-3.7.5 glib2-2.28.8
cairo-1.10.2p0 pcre-8.12p0 shared-mime-info-0.90 pango-1.28.4p2
hicolor-icon-theme-0.12p1 gdk-pixbuf-2.23.4 tiff-3.9.5 nspr-4.8.7
atk-2.0.1 bzip2-1.0.6 mozilla-thunderbird-3.1.11 python-2.7.1p6
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/mozilla-thunderbird (line 1699 of
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/mozilla-thunderbird (line 2272 of
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/mozilla-thunderbird (line 2252 of
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/mozilla-thunderbird (line 1730 of
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/mail/mozilla-thunderbird (line 2252 of

End of output to screen:

Can't create lightning-1.0beta4v0 because of libraries
|library lib/thunderbird-5.0/xpcom.18.0 not found
Fatal error: can't continue
at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PkgCreate.pm line 1219


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