> libgailutil is 26.0 now,, it must have picked up an old installed lib.
> As dpb(1) says, "some packages only build on a clean machine right now"

I picked up the libc minor bump. This was on a clean machine with
1) rm -rf /usr/local/*
2) rm -rf /usr/ports/packages/*
3) rm -rf /usr/ports/plist/*

When I faced the problem in dpb, I went into the ports directory and
then tried to do a simple make && make package.


> On 2011-07-05, Amit Kulkarni <amitk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just compiled everything to current.
>> I am doing a dpb based compile which was failing in package of gtk+2.
>> I did a make clean and I can't figure out why its
>> happening. I did do a make plist after getting the problem but still
>> there's the same issue.
>> Anybody else running into this?
>> thanks,
>> amit
>> # make port-lib-depends-check
>> gtk+2-2.24.5p0(x11/gtk+2,-main):
>> Missing lib:   gailutil.18 (/usr/local/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libgail.so)
>> Extra:  Xau.9 Xdmcp.10 Xxf86vm.5 drm.2
>> *** Error code 1 (ignored)
>> Asking ports for dependency gtk+2-2.24.5p0(x11/gtk+2,-main)
>> gtk+2-cups-2.24.5(x11/gtk+2,-cups):
>> Extra:  Xau.9 Xdmcp.10 Xxf86vm.5 drm.2
>> #

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