On Thu, Aug 04, 2011 at 10:15:47AM -0600, Deraj Puma wrote:
> I installed OpenBSD 4.9 and then copied over my home directory which
> has this for a $PKG_PATH:
> file:///mnt/cd/4.9/packages/i386/:ftp://ftp3.usa.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.9/packages/i386/
> . Then I did: pkg_add ghc . It installed from ftp3.usa.openbsd.org, I
> believe. After it finished, I typed$ ghci and it gave that message. No
> arguments or anything. I swear I wasn't doing any voodoo, honest!

Are only the interpreter variants failing (ghci, runghc, runhaskell)?
Or does the compiler error out, too? From your original mail, it
looked like the compiler itself exits with a panic.

Does the following work?

cat > Hello.hs << 'EOF'
module Main(main) where
main = putStrLn "Hello world!"
ghc -o hello Hello.hs

> Should I build from ports?

Not yet. It would be absolutely no fun on your machine (some parts
of the ghc build need huge amounts of memory, and you machine would
certainly be constantly swapping for several hours).

> > What's the output of
> >
> >        pkg_info -f ghc
> >
> > ?
> >
> Information for inst:ghc-6.12.3p8

I'll check this later this evening, if time permits. (If not, this
has to wait until late sunday).


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